Just Getting Started with Sales Cloud? Discover Salesforce Best Practices for Sales Teams

As a critical part of your organization’s sales team, you know that having the necessary tools in place to support your pipeline is paramount to making sure you spend less time on manual tasks and more time on closing key opportunities.
Just Getting Started with Sales Cloud? Discover Salesforce Best Practices for Sales Teams

As a critical part of your organization’s sales team, you know that having the necessary tools in place to support your pipeline is paramount to making sure you spend less time on manual tasks and more time on closing key opportunities. Additionally, just as important as having the right tool,  is knowing how to use it for maximum productivity.

Now that your team has adopted Sales Cloud, it’s time to take full advantage of all of the features it has to offer--starting with our simple run down on Salesforce best practices for sales.

4 Salesforce Best Practices for Sales: An Account Executive’s Quick Guide

Take Advantage of Free Training on Trailhead

When you are new to Sales Cloud, it is critical you learn how to maximize the Salesforce platform to oversee accounts, opportunities and easily interact with clients and create robust reports. After you complete Sales Cloud training on Trailhead, navigating your Salesforce instance will be a breeze and you will be able to gain full visibility to each of your sales activities and even manage your accounts on your mobile device so you can close more deals in less time.

Tailor Your Dashboards

Keep your goals organized and top data points displayed with a custom dashboard for your team. Sales Cloud gives you the ability to personalize your dashboard so you can easily see the health of your sales opportunities. The beauty of Sales Cloud is that you can set up to work efficiently for your needs and make adjustments as needed to optimize your sales operations and opportunities.

Become More Efficient with Email integration

Integrate your email with Salesforce so you can manage all of your key sales leads in your Salesforce instance and remove the hassle of going back and forth between platforms and manage all your sales activity in one place. Salesforce Inbox is another way to extend your email functionality with Salesforce. This add on allows you to track emails inside of Salesforce automatically, when your emails are opened, and much more--giving you the power to understand your prospects better so you know when it’s time to make the next move.

Get Custom Automation

Depending on which edition of Sales Cloud you have, you can utilize different processes to automatically create alerts, populate pertinent information to specific fields and eliminate other business inefficiencies. For example, if accounting needs to be notified after a closed opportunity, you can set up your Sales Cloud to populate those notifications and also create custom workflows on which subsequent steps are needed so each department is aligned.

Ultimately, acquiring Sales Cloud creates a robust sales pipeline--increasing your productivity and closing more opportunities. It is critical to Implement key Salesforce best practices for sales into your instance, such as a few of the examples we have provided for you. If you need any assistance in customizing your Sales Cloud and want a team to deliver your dream sales opportunity management automation, Abelian is here and ready to help with all of your Sales Cloud needs. Contact us and get a complimentary Salesforce strategy session where we can dive deeper into your team's goals and get you on the road to success.


Kenia is the Visual Producer and Social Media Specialist at Abelian. She holds a versatile  skill set in graphic design, photo & video, and other areas of Digital Media. With diverse experience in the creative space, Kenia’s focus is on creating captivating content that converts.