Salesforce Best Practices: How to Become a Rockstar Salesforce End-User

It can be a bit overwhelming when you get started, but just by implementing a few different tactics and habits regularly, you can start to reap all the
Salesforce Best Practices: How to Become a Rockstar Salesforce End-User

Getting started with Salesforce can be an exciting time for any new end-user. Maybe you were with another organization that used a different CRM or your team has decided to upgrade to Salesforce and take advantage of its many capabilities for streamlined business processes. Whatever the case may be, part of being a more productive employee is fully utilizing your company’s CRM. In the case of Salesforce, it can be a bit overwhelming when you get started, but just by implementing a few different tactics and habits regularly, you can start to reap all the benefits Salesforce has to offer and become a rockstar Salesforce user.

Our Guide to Quick Salesforce Best Practices You Can Start Using Today


Are you utilizing Trailhead? Trailhead is a free training platform Salesforce provides that helps you build your skills no matter where you are in your Salesforce user journey. If you spend just thirty minutes a day on Trailhead building your skills, you will be navigating and leveraging Salesforce more efficiently in no time.

Salesforce Docs.

Do you know about Salesforce Docs ? This library of information has Salesforce’s official documentation and help guides to common Salesforce challenges that users can lean on when they hit a roadblock. Additionally, there is a handy search bar so you don’t have to go through every piece of documentation and can find the answers you need as quickly as possible.

Manage Your Tasks.

Learn how to best manage daily Tasks . Make sure you are fully taking advantage of Tasks inside of Salesforce. You can set a Task as a reminder for key action items you want to make sure you remember. For example, if you are working on an Opportunity and want to ensure you follow up with the prospective client on some key information they asked for, set a Task with a specific due date inside of Salesforce. This will help you stay on top of all your critical action items. Additionally, you can leverage multiple views with Split Views, Table View and Kanban. Split views allow you to see the Task at a high level and the details at the same time. Table views sort the tasks into rows like a spreadsheet. Conversely, the Kanban view gives you a display view of your tasks as cards that you can move easily across your screen as you make progress with the Task to show your current Task status.

Salesforce Mobile.

Immerse yourself with the Mobile capabilities of Salesforce. Salesforce Mobile comes with every Salesforce license so there is no reason not to take advantage of all of its many offerings. One of the greatest advantages of Salesforce Mobile is the offline capabilities you have so you never have to worry about not being able to input data just because you aren’t connected to the internet. Customize your layouts in the app so you can easily see your important Salesforce data when you want to make an update. By staying connected even when you’re on the go, you never have to worry about missing pertinent information or forgetting to share a date with your team because you weren’t sitting at your desk. The Salesforce Mobile app truly gives you the freedom to work from anywhere and enhance the productivity of your remote work.

Kanban Views.

If you’re not using Kanban boards inside of Salesforce, you’re really missing out because they can be used for a number of Salesforce use cases including: sales opportunities, project management, Task management, and much more. Some key advantages of Kanban boards is it helps you see in one central view exactly what needs to be done so you don’t overload yourself or others with too much work and you can accurately resource plan if one person has a heavier workload than another. Additionally, team productivity can dramatically increase because of the ease of use and transparency that the Kanban view offers.

Report Subscriptions.

Are there important metrics that you want to make sure you stay on top of so you can make the best decisions for your work? Make sure you are subscribing to key reports that are most important to you. For example, say you want to ensure each month you see exactly what the monthly revenue is or your current customer churn rate. You can set up your reports so you get notifications with the latest report as frequently as you want it, allowing you to stay in the loop on key metrics.

Search Inside Salesforce.

Salesforce is meant to be a tool that anyone on your team can use. When you are just getting started, you’re not going to be familiar with every detail in navigation. Use the search feature in Salesforce at the top of your screen when you need to find relevant information quickly and easily.

Learn from the Best.

Are there other well-versed Salesforce users at your organization? Don’t be afraid to pick their brain and ask them what are the teams’ internal Salesforce best practices and processes. This way you will learn the best methodologies from the most experienced Salesforce users and you’ll be aligning with your team better by staying in line with how your team utilizes Salesforce. Also, ask your teammates if they have any helpful advice that allows them to excel at Salesforce and see which of these you can incorporate into your daily routine yourself.

Salesforce Appexchange.

Visit the Salesforce AppExchange and take some time to look through different ready to install Salesforce Apps pertinent to your work. You may be surprised how many applications are available that you can install that will help you be more productive and make your life easier. Some apps are even free and are good to test out before you start applying paid applications. Head over to the Salesforce AppExchange and discover what you can start incorporating in your instance today.

Salesforce Release Notes.

Stay up to date with Salesforce Release Notes or follow your favorite digital channel, like Abelian on Linkedin , highlighting the information for you. Salesforce release notes give you a bird’s eye view of all of the latest developments with Salesforce so you can stay in the know when new features are added and or updates are made to the platform. What’s even better is that if you stay up to date with your Salesforce release notes, you can share with your team at your regular staff meetings. Share key information relevant to your org with your team and become the go to team member who is up to date on all the latest and greatest with Salesforce.

Essentially, there are a number of tools at your disposal to becoming a rockstar Salesforce user that don’t take a lot of time to get acquainted with and you will be impressing your colleagues in no time and saving yourself time as a result as you implement these Salesforce best practices. Additionally if you decide to take advantage of the Salesforce apps on the Salesforce AppExchange and need help customizing them or are just looking for Salesforce training, reach out to us and we can help you with all your Salesforce needs.


Kayla Hasler is the former Digital Marketing Manager at Abelian. A versatile marketing professional that brings a wide breadth of experience to her role.