How We Start an Engagement With Our Salesforce Projects

One of the most challenging aspects of beginning work with a new team is not knowing what the process will actually look like once you begin.
How We Start an Engagement With Our Salesforce Projects

Finding the right team to partner with on a new Salesforce project or on some much-needed Salesforce updates can be a daunting task. One of the most challenging aspects of beginning work with a new team is not knowing what the process will actually look like once you begin.

At Abelian, transparency is embedded into everything we do internally and externally. This is why we’ve created an easy-to-follow breakdown of how we work on new Salesforce projects.

Implementation for Salesforce Projects Made Simple & Agile

1. Project Kickoff Meeting

Once contracts are in place, we start our engagement with a kickoff meeting. At our kickoff meeting, you will meet with your project manager. Here we set expectations and guidelines so everyone is on the same page. Then we review our development process. At Abelian, we practice agile development and explain what that means and how the internal team works together on your project in sprints.

2. Backlog Refinement Session

Backlog refinement is also known as backlog grooming. This is where we really get into the details with our clients and determine what the priorities of the project are so we can effectively build out our sprints.

3. Sprints Begin

After our backlog refinement, we begin the sprints in order of priority from the backlog grooming. At the end of each sprint, the sprint deliverables are presented to our clients for review and approval before we move onto the next sprint. This process continues until our team finishes all the sprints. To ensure our clients stay informed every step of the way of our Salesforce projects, we always have a weekly meeting with our technical lead, scrum master, and our client. Throughout each sprint, clients will be given the opportunity to test the deliverables of each sprint to ensure projects stay on time and development is transparent.

4. Training

After we complete our sprints, we make sure our clients have ample time to test out their solutions. Additionally, we train our clients on the custom solutions we’ve built for them so they can tackle their Salesforce instance with confidence.

5. Project Completion & Go-Live

Once training and testing are complete, we meet with our clients to sign off on the completion of the Salesforce project and go live.

After your implementation is complete, we go live with your project. Upon getting used to the system, you may feel like you want an expert Salesforce team to help maintain your instance or add new features as business operations fluctuate. Reach out to us and we can provide you with a managed service package tailored for your team on how we can continue optimization of your use of Salesforce.


Kenia is the Visual Producer and Social Media Specialist at Abelian. She holds a versatile  skill set in graphic design, photo & video, and other areas of Digital Media. With diverse experience in the creative space, Kenia’s focus is on creating captivating content that converts.